
I know nobody looks at web sites any more because there’s RSS feeds, but like I mentioned before, I was just using something out the box to start, and felt it my duty as a web designer to create something myself eventually. Plus I got called out for using Hemingway recently, and it actually kinda helped kick me in the ass to do something about it. Thanks, Ben.

If it’s not obvious, the design is based on the concept of declassified documents, and was brought on by the idea of actually starting a blog which would announce newly declassified documents and comb through them for interesting tidbits. I soon realized that I would never be able to put as much time into that as it would take, so I just took the design and put it to this. (By the way, I would still love it if someone made a blog about declassified documents. You’ll get a free design out of the deal if you do!) I already discovered a happy accident as I was making it: I personally love the way the page transforms into a more censored document as you follow the links. It’s also terribly easy to scan for new content because of it.

Anyways, I’m sure this is wrought with CSS and template problems, since I basically made it in a day with little prior knowledge of WordPress templating, but feel free to note your thoughts, suggestions, problems, &c. in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Redesigned”

  1. except after going through your older entries, i remember that all-caps is a little painful to read for more than five seconds.

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